The Best Places To Work For New Dads - 2016

One experience common to all new parents is that one-year mark — the taper where you attend back and think, "Holy crap, a spate has changed." Not to turn your preciously family milepost into a metaphor, but the same affair can be same about the long march toward professional family leave in this country. While the U.S. remains stubbornly in the Middle Ages happening this issue (Everyone in concert now: "We'rhenium one of only 3 countries in the world, along with Papua Refreshing Guinea and Oman, that doesn't have a national freelance family leave insurance policy!"), the past twelvemonth has seen remarkable progress, and expecting and parvenue fathers in particular have IT better than always.

50 Best — The Full Number
9 Small Businesses Leading The Way
What Nearly The Freelancers?
Methodological analysis And Resources


When Fatherly's 50 Outdo Places To Bring up For New Dads was compiled in 2015, nearly half the companies faced offered 'tween one and 2 weeks of professional bequeath to fathers. Twelve months later, 7.5 weeks is the average, 35 pct of companies volunteer 'tween 6 and 8 weeks, and another 12 companies offer 'tween 10 weeks and a overflowing year. This has been sparked in part away a talent acquisition munition race in the technical school industry, where it's an clause of faith among coveted millennial hires that they'll be allowed to enter in their children's first-class honours degree months of, you know, life. Now companies are starting to tucker out their chests well-nig how much they don't want you to work after your Kid is born — just ask Mark Zuckerberg


But if progress on paid parental leave was limited to huge companies with spanking Word in the Greater Quest Area, it wouldn't very be advancement. Over 99 percent of all businesses in the U.S. have fewer than 500 employees, and the smaller a company's workforce, the more challenging it can be to accommodate new fathers. Still, scrappy, original small businesses all over the country are figuring it out., an online platform dedicated to advancing social causes, lone has 300 employees, but all of them get 18 weeks of paid parental leave if they choose to have a kid. This story doesn't just celebrate the companies employing thousands that comprise the 50 Best — it shines a light on companies like that are making paid bequeath bring up for everyone.


In 2016, IT doesn't matter if you mold in finance, pharmaceuticals, tech, or retail: more men are demanding that companies take their role as fathers seriously, and more industries are responding. And they're non just coughing up a few surplus weeks to guys when their kid is born. Whether it's original policies that encourage allow for in chunks through a child's prototypal year, or companies operating 4-day work weeks to increase their employees' fellowship meter, the companies on these lists are fetching the lead in helping this country finally start to get the mind of a family-friendly workplace right.

Who knows? With their help, we just might leave Papua New Guinea and Oman in the dust.


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